How to Add Font Awesome Icons to WordPress Menu Items


Here is how you can add font awesome icons to your WordPress menu item before of after any menu item. Adding items make website looks cool and amazing also it will be more user friendly.

Installation of Font Awesome Icons

Font Awesome release many version of fonts with latest icons packs Like Font Awesome 6, Font Awesome 5 but my favorite is Font Awesome 4.7 your can get it from here

Make sure your website has Font Awesome support available if not then you can use below methods to add support for font awesome.

HTML Method

Copy Below code and paste into website header file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" crossorigin="anonymous">

Enqueue Method

Add below code in function.php file only for WordPress

function insertcart_com_scripts() {

wp_enqueue_style('font-awesome', '' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'insertcart_com_scripts' );

Adding Font Awesome Icons to Menu

Open Font Awesome icon website Here , Search or Find your Icon

font awesome icon search

Now click and open icon and copy icon code

copy font awesome icon code

After open your WordPress website Login to Dashboard > Appearance > Menu > Select menu item and Paste Font Awesome icon code in Navigation Label before of after name as shown in below screenshot and save menu

Paste font awesome icon code That’s all your icons will be displayed like below screenshot.

Display font awesome icons


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