PHP 7 Upgrade WordPress Impact – Important Points for Compatibility


An update is always contain some important fixes and twinks some time it’s become necessary for a software developer to leave old code and write new one to improve performance but it also impact on millions of user in case of PHP 7 and WordPress because hosting companies also have to provide a latest upgrade option to their user.

PHP 7 Upgrade WordPress Impact – Important Points for Compatibility

  • Before doing any PHP 7 upgrade make sure check your website withย PHP Compatibility Checker Pluginย and run plugin test from Dashboard > Tool
  • Scan your all of plugin and theme you wish to use after PHP 7 upgrade so any incompatible plugin won’t create problem for future.
  • Also you should check if custom php code present into website are they compatible for new PHP 7
  • You should take a backup of whole theme and it’s data before engineering it.

After the PHP 5.4 and 5.6 they released PHP 7 because of some issue with version PHP 6 it’s not produced.


  • PHP 7 Made for higher performance
  • Optimized memory uses
  • Now code execution will more faster with same resources and uses
  • PHP 7 allow developers to easily error handling.

There are many things done with new version of PHP 7 by zend engine so users can take benefits of it. We still are waiting for more result and users test.

Here is PHP 7 Performance Infographics


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